Monday, March 20, 2006

My First Post as talked about on my "Crazy World" Blog

The One World Order/ The New World Order....

A subject that has fascinated me since I was a teenager.
Now more than ever I feel it is vitally important for as many people to realize that there are "forces" that are unknown and unseen to most of the population at large that are right now controlling the outcome of every aspect of the world as we know it.

And these forces are manipulating the world population in ways that one can not even imagine.
This "manipulation" has been going on in one way or another for thousands of years. The planning of almost everything has it's roots in ancient history.

It is my intention with this site, to dig into this massive conspiracy and to join the thousands of people who are trying to get the word out that......the world is not as it seems to be.

Some of the things I plan on writing about will seem hard to believe (and a lot of the things I have learned are pretty hard for me to stomach...and I have a pretty open mind) and other things will ring a bell and you will say "hmm....I have had that feeling or thought like this" at one time or another.

What got me interested in digging into all of this stuff?
When I was about 13 years old, I was babysitting for a lady.
Her boyfriend came home from work early one night and we were sitting around "shooting the shit" and he started telling me of certain things he had heard and seen while he was working for the U.S. Government back in the 70s.
I was intrigued and hooked at the same time.
He told me about some "Freemasonry" connections within the federal government and showed me some interesting things on the faces and backsides of some of the U.S. Currency he had.
Weird things and sayings and then he proceeded to fold some of the bills and showed me some things which to this day now baffle me. One of the ways he folded one of the bills showed a set of skyscrapers on fire and another showed what looked like the Pentagon in flames. There was also a message on the back of one of the bills that said "Osama" when he folded it a certain way.

Like I said...weird things but just that stuff got me interested and I wanted to know more.
He went on to tell me about a form of communication via computers where people could write each other and even someday see each other. He said that a division of the government was working on this project at that time and that the way all the computers talked to each other was by piggybacking on the phone lines but that someday there would be massive underground cables and even the satellites in the skys would be able to transmit all the information.

He also talked about a "spy network" that would be the biggest thing in the world to keep tabs on people. He told me to read the book 1984 and he told me that a lot of the ideas in that book were already starting to happen.

He didn't want to say much more even though I prodded him for more stuff.
He did say though that someone told him once that there was so much stuff going on (most that he didn't even know about) and stuff that had such wide ranging implications that our brains as humans couldn't even begin to comprehend the information....thats how intense things get when you get to the top level of things and you think its the top level and then there is another level of information and knowledge and then another and so on and so fourth. He told me that this man who told him and showed him some things in the government said that not even the highest ranking members of most world governments were privy to a lot of the higher knowledge.

He went on to say to me "And you think the fairy tales of King Arthur and Merlin and all that stuff is Fairy Tales??? for you my little buddy.......There's a lot more truth to the magic and dragons and shit then you can realize"
I will never forget that last sentence.

I don't recall exactly which government agency he worked for but I seem to remember his girlfriend mentioning something called the NSF and that stands for the National Science Foundation and by digging into a bit of that agency's history, I can see where he might have gotten some of the information he related to me way back when.

So that is what got me interested in this topic. Hopefully some of my digging and reading and writing will be of interest to others.
If not, at least it is a space for me to try to make sense out of all the weird things that are going on in the world.

So....check back often or not....up to you.
I do hope that whoever stumbles upon my latest endeavor will find some of the things interesting.

Dont look behind the curtain!


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