Saturday, December 30, 2006

Saddam Hangs

So the day has finally come..
Another illusion being unvieled for the world to see and watch.
How much do you want to bet that this "evil" dicator is very much alive somewhere and now living in obscurity compliments of the "Illuminatti" or what some would call "The New World Order"???

But at least according to the news media it has happened.....The 21st Century's most evil Villian (so some say-others would say it is our current president) has been executed.

Saddam Hussein was greedy...
He was also lustful...
He lied.....
He plundered...
And he killed....

(Most of us share 4 of 5 of those qualities at one time or another in our lives...)

His supposed death will reverberate around the world and hopefully though not be enough cause for an all out "Holy War" or "Armegedden" as some are saying it could be the harbringer of. But I have a feeling that the fire has been lit (see below)

I personally think that Saddam was a "puppet", a "scapegoat" of sorts if you start something in the middle east that has been planned for a very long time.

He was the "match that lit the fire" that will not burn itself out for a long time to come I fear.This is just the start of something much bigger than "almost" everyone realises.

See story as the A.P. wrote it:

God Help Us All....
Happy New Year
(Oh wait...I will save that for later....)